Happening This Week @ FPC

May 12 - May 18


Worship Service beginning at 10 AM.

Nursery Care and Kid's Church at 10am.

Adult Study at 11:30am in our sanctuary


Free Community Lunch from 10am to 12noon in Taylor hall.

Men’s Summit at 7pm in Taylor Hall


Pastor’s Bible Study at 12 noon in the pastor’s office.


Men’s Bible Study This week at 7am in the conference room.

Morning Glories Bible Study this week at 9am in the church library.

Weekly Scripture Readings

Motherhood is one of humanity’s oldest, most respected, and essential roles and responsibilities in family life.   Moms pour into and shape their children’s emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being.   God’s Word has several examples of moms who obeyed God's calling, served sacrificially, and built a life of faith for their family. You are invited to read their stores this week and learn from the examples of these Biblical mothers. 

Monday:  Read Genesis 21:1-21.  

What does Hagar teach me about motherhood? 

How will I apply this to my life today?

Tuesday:  Read Exodus 1:22 - 2:10. 

What does Moses’ mom teach me about motherhood?  

How will I apply this to my life today?

Wednesday:  Read 1 Samuel 1:1- 2:11.  

What does Hannah teach me about motherhood?   

How will I apply this to my life today?

Thursday:   Read Judges 13.  

What does Samson’s mom teach me about motherhood?  

How will I apply this to my life today?

Friday:  Read  2 Timothy 1:3-5.  

What do Lois and Eunice teach me about motherhood?   

How will I apply this to my life today?

Saturday:  Read Proverbs 31.  

What does this chapter teach me about motherhood?  

How will I apply this to my life today?